After we started cleaning out our basement, I was blown away with the amount of trash that we came across. There were loads and loads of extra items that we didn't need anymore, and it was really frustrating. I started focusing on making more space in our trashcan, and I was really impressed with how much extra room a few smart moves made. We started nesting garbage items inside of paint buckets, and breaking down boxes carefully. This blog is dedicated to helping homeowners to make better use of the space they have inside of their trashcans. You never know, you might be able to enjoy more free space inside of your home.
Vehicles require many parts and automotive fluids to function properly, but some of them can be considered hazardous waste materials. These items cannot simply get tossed in the garbage. Instead, they must be properly disposed of according to specific rules. Here is a look at the guidelines you will need to follow when it comes time to get rid of them.
Motor Oil
When you want your vehicle to last, regularly changing the oil in your engine is a must. Many people choose to do this job themselves as it is an easy task and saves money. But what should be done with the used, dirty motor oil you take out?
Oil degrades very slowly, which means it will stay in the soil and contaminate the groundwater for a very long time if it isn't disposed of the right way. Statistics show motor oil in the environment can be harmful to the ecosystem, plants, soil, air, humans, animals and fish. If you get caught illegally dumping motor oil rather than recycling it, can result in a misdemeanor or felony depending on the state, huge fines, and even incarceration.
Used motor oil should be taken to a hazardous waste management disposal center. The used motor oil goes through a recycling process and can then be used again for home heating fuel oil, boats, or even vehicles again.
Antifreeze is used in your vehicle's engine coolant system. Antifreeze goes into a car's radiator, which then circulates to make sure the engine doesn't become overheated. Antifreeze is made from ethylene glycol, which is extremely toxic as well as a very dangerous poison. Antifreeze rarely needs to be recycled as fluid is more frequently added rather than replaced, but if you do find yourself with antifreeze you need to get rid of, contact your local hazardous waste management service for their specific protocol on how they want you to bring it in for recycling.
Brake Fluid
Brake fluid is made from a toxic alcohol base. Once a bottle of brake fluid is opened and exposed to air, it will begin to absorb water from the air. Over time, the brake fluid will become even more toxic. If you need to get rid of brake fluid, most recycling centers recommend you first dump it into a pan of cat litter. After a few days, the litter will absorb the brake fluid and evaporate it. Call your local hazardous waste management center to see what your next step is; some will recommend throwing it in with the household garbage while others will advise you to bring it in for hazardous waste disposal.
Share29 May 2019